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6mm Solid Healing Bracelets

Snowflake Obsidian has a calming energy that brings a sense of balance and serenity, grounding the wearer into the present moment. It is said that this stone purifies the body and the wearer's environment, making it especially beneficial to those battling illness and those struggling with negative thought patterns. It is also said to be highly protective.


Moss Agate connects one with nature and brings a sense of serenity and satisfaction to the heart. It helps one to manifest wealth and abundance, especially in matters of the heart. It is known as the gardener's stone as it protects Mother Earth and will give energy and life to plants in need. It promotes emotional clarity and stability by bringing a sense of balance in one's self and one's life journey.


Smoky Quartz dissolves self-deprecating thoughts of oneself and others. Grounds the body and helps one make decisions based on logic and integrity instead of reacting in emotionally charged ways that do not serve either person. Cleanses away envy and jealousy by helping tune one into one's true soul's authenticity.


Rainbow Fluorite is the stone of order. It is believed to bring order and balance to the mind as it clears away unnecessary mind chatter so one can find ease in absorbing and retaining newly learned information. It encourages the wearer to see things from a higher perspective where clarity and alignment are most felt.


Rhyolite enables one to accept what is happening in and around them, promoting a greater understanding.  Deeply connected to Mother Earth, it helps one to tune in to the knowing that everything is connected, bringing a strong sense of oneness with the Universe, the Earth and the Divine. It also aids in healing emotional wounds that have been blocking love, joy, and creative expression.


Clear Quartz has a calming energy that allows one to access greater insight with greater clarity bringing about better focus and enhancing the energies of other crystals as well as the wearer themselves. Promotes healing and harmonizes one’s energy Beneficial for meditative practice and psychic abilities.


Peridot is the birthstone for August and is associated with the Goddess Isis. It is powerful in manifesting wealth and prosperity. A well, it is associated with the energy of the heart chakra and can therefore dissolve blockages as well as usher in receptivity to new love experiences (whether that be self love or romantic love) Lastly, it promotes luck and abundance of all kinds, especially in relation to love and money.

6mm Solid Healing Bracelets

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