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Self Care with Crystals

Public·17 members

Thank you for your patience, everyone. 💫

It has been an exciting journey getting my business to where it is now and I very much appreciate your support along the way❤️. As some of you may already be aware, if you follow me on social media, I am now in the process of receiving my masters in Reiki energy healing. I will mention more about this as time goes on, but for now, let's get into today's topic.☺️

So, along with adding bathing with herbs and crystals to your self-care routine, another way that I found greatly beneficial during my personal healing journey was becoming aware of and in tune with my chakra energy centres. Below, I will mention two ways that were and continue to be effective for me in my own practice.

So there are many, many chakra energy systems that I could go over, but for today's post, I will only be covering the seven main ones. If you would like me to go more into detail about additional chakras, such as what I have illustrated in the image above⬆️, please leave your request in the comments section below⬇️.

Chakra #1 Root

This chakra develops early on in the womb and is called the root because it is impacted by trauma experienced while inside the womb, into infancy and so forth.

For more of an in-depth explanation of any of these chakras, please leave a comment below and I will cater an entire post to each of the energy centres.

8mm Solid Red Jasper Healing Bracelet

Colours associated with the root chakra are red, black, brown, and sometimes green or silver.

This colour knowledge will aid you in selecting crystals for healing inner child wounds, abuse, anxiety/fear, difficulty finding stillness and so on.

Some examples of crystals associated with removing blockages in this chakra include:

Red Jasper (also linked above)

All forms of black obsidian



Tigers Eye

Smoky Quartz

Moss Agate




Dragon's Blood

Lava Stone (Basalt)

And that is just a few of the crystals used on the root chakra. If you would like a longer list, you know the drill ⬇️😊✨

The root energy point is located at the base of your spine and pelvic region. Holding a crystal with your focus on that point is equally as effective as laying one directly on your body.

Chakra #2 Sacral

This chakra is located just below the navel and is associated with our sexual and our creative expression. It is our emotional centre and is responsible the balance in our relationships (confidence/security) and in our emotions.

8mm Solid Carnelian Healing Bracelet

For more of an in-depth explanation of any of these chakras, please leave a comment below and I will cater an entire post to each of the energy centres.

Colours associated with the sacral typically consist of orange and peach and can range to many other different colours such as blue, green, or black for instance.

This colour knowledge will aid you in selecting crystals for healing relationship issues, low self-esteem, creativity blocks, difficulty finding joy, ease and balance etc.

Some examples of crystals associated with removing blockages in this chakra include:



Peach Aventurine

Orange Calcite (sold out during vending event|not shown on website)


Honey Calcite (not available yet)

Snowflake Obsidian

Just to name a few.

Chakra #3 Solar Plexus

This chakra relates to our confidence, independence, manifestation and abundance. It is responsible for our digestion and vitality. It is also the energy center where we can experience our personal power.

Citrine Healing Bracelet

For more of an in-depth explanation of any of these chakras, please leave a comment below and I will cater an entire post to each of the energy centres.

Colours associated with the solar plexus are yellow and gold.

This colour knowledge will aid you in selecting crystals for healing depleting energy levels, lack of confidence in work, lack of self-worth, blocks in manifesting money, and feelings of powerlessness.

Some examples of crystals associated with removing blockages in this chakra include:


Gold Sheen Obsidian


Apatite (Blue apatite helps with blocks in digestion)

Yellow Agate (coming soon)

Yellow Fluorite (custom order)

Lemon Quartz (custom order)

Lemon Jade

Just to name a few.

The solar plexus energy point is located at in the center beneath the ribs and above the belly button. Holding a crystal with your focus on that point is equally as effective as laying one directly on your body.

💛Manipura💛Citrine|Gold Sheen Obsidian Chakra Healing Charm Bracelet

Chakra #4 Heart

This chakra has to do with unconditional love, our infinite life force, and our connection to Source energy and the Universe. This center is where we feel gratitude, self-acceptance, and the acceptance of others.

For more of an in-depth explanation of any of these chakras, please leave a comment below.

Green Aventurine Spoon Carving

Colours associated with the heart are green, pink and red.

This colour knowledge will aid you in selecting crystals for healing issues with giving and receiving unconditional love, empathy, connecting with the spirit within, and stuck wounds resulting from past break ups.

Some examples of crystals associated with removing blockages in this chakra include:

Green Aventurine


Rose Quartz

Ruby (custom order)


Watermelon Tourmaline

Emerald (custom order)




Green Calcite

Just to name a few.

The heart chakra energy point is located in the center of the chest and above the solar plexus. Holding a crystal with your focus on that point is equally as effective as laying one directly on your body.

💚Anahata💚Rose Quartz|Green Aventurine Chakra Healing Charm Bracelet

Chakra #5 Throat

This chakra relates to speaking our personal truth. When energized and in balance, this center allows us to speak with integrity and confidence. It is also connected with lucid dreaming. For more of an in-depth explanation of any of these chakras, please leave a comment below.

Sterling Silver Caribbean Blue Calcite Pendant Necklace

Colours associated with the throat are all shades of blue.

This colour knowledge will aid you in selecting crystals for healing issues with speaking up, speaking too much, public speaking, showing up authentically, communication, lucid dreaming.

Some examples of crystals associated with removing blockages in this chakra include:

Caribbean Blue Calcite

Blue Calcite



Blue Apatite

Blue Agate


Blue Fluorite


Just to name a few.

The throat chakra energy point is located in the center of the throat and above the higher heart. Holding a crystal with your focus on that point is equally as effective as laying one directly on your body.

💙Vishuddha💙Apatite|Amazonite Chakra Healing Charm Bracelet

Chakra #6 Third Eye

This chakra is our 6th sense. It relates to our intuition, psychic abilities and a deeper understanding. It relates to our ability to focus and visualize beyond our physical reality. It is also involved in shamanic journeying and other forms of out of body experiences. For more of an in-depth explanation of any of these chakras, please leave a comment below.

Lapis Lazuli|Obsidian|Pyrite Hamsa Healing Anklet

Colours associated with the third eye include indigo, dark blue, white (merlinite) and purple.

This colour knowledge will aid you in selecting crystals for healing issues with visualization, fear of the unknown, blocks in communicating with one's guides and blocks tapping into one's psychic gifts.

Some examples of crystals associated with removing blockages in this chakra include:

Lapis Lazuli



Blue Apatite



Purple Agate


Labradorite (Labradorite earrings also available upon request)

The third eye energy point is located in the center of the forehead and above the eye brows. Holding a crystal with your focus on that point is equally as effective as laying one directly on your body.

Chakra #6 Crown

This chakra is our connection to the higher realms and to collective consciousness. It appears as a multicoloured thousand petal lotus flower and when energized and in balance, it provides clarity, making it easier to channel Divine guidance and messages. For more of an in-depth explanation of any of these chakras, please leave a comment below.

Amethyst|Clear Quartz|Crown Chakra Healing Bracelet

Colours associated with the third eye include all shades of purple, clear and white.

This colour knowledge will aid you in selecting crystals for healing issues headaches, migraines, racing thoughts, lack of faith/trust in the Divine, unworthiness, meditation, communication with the Divine.

Some examples of crystals associated with removing blockages in this chakra include:


Purple Agate


Clear Quartz


Angel Aura Quartz (custom order)


Danburite (custom order)



Just to name a few.

The crown chakra energy point is located on top (the crown) of the head and above the third eye. Holding a crystal with your focus on that point is equally as effective as laying one directly on your body.

Hope you enjoyed this post!

Would you like to know more about these chakra centers?

Leave a comment below⬇️😊✨

Warmest Blessings,




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