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Gold Sheen Obsidian|Citrine|Blue Apatite Healing Bracelet

This crystal combination is the combination of acknowledging your worthiness! Gold sheen obsidian clears away any blocks or resistance to manifesting one's dreams through cleansing, rebalancing, and activating the solar plexus chakra (personal power), while grounding the wearer in their strength and vitality. Apatite (also associated with the solar plexus as well as the throat chakra) promotes alignment with one's authenticity -- one's personal truth! 


Apatite also aids in the visualization process that is beneficial to manifesting our truest desires, while also ensuring clarity and ease in all communication. 


This duo will help you confidently step into your personal power so you may soar towards all the good that you created, that has been lined up waiting to flow into your experience!


You are beyond worthy of everything you want in life. You are more than enough. Remember this always 💛✨

Gold Sheen Obsidian|Citrine|Blue Apatite Healing Bracelet

45,00C$ Prix original
22,50C$Prix promotionnel
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