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8mm Solid Healing Bracelets

Lapis Chrysocolla Activates the third eye, throat, and heart chakras. Helps one to become a master of self-acceptance. Calms the body and mind, tunes to the heart and shifts one's perspective from fear and doubt to certainty and higher awareness. Teaches one to flow with the Universe, rather than trying to force things.


Labradorite Aids in one's personal transformation. Taps one into their psychic abilities and encourages confidence and perseverance, dissolving insecurities. One of the most protective minerals, it deflects unwanted energies, creating a shielding force throughout one's aura, strengthening innate energies from within.


White Jade promotes healing and reprogramming neural networks by dissolving distractions so one can access higher consciousness. A bringer of inner peace and harmony as well as luck.  


Onyx is a stone of protection and strength. It provides stability and stamina to help alleviate energy depletion. It acts as a protective shield by absorbing lower frequencies in one's environment. 


Matte Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love. It has a warm calming frequency that balances the heart chakra and awakens receptivity to one's worthiness. It promotes emotional healing, restoring strength and faith, allowing one to trust again without fears of vulnerability.


Gold Sheen Obsidian clears away any blocks or resistance to manifesting one's dreams through cleansing, rebalancing, and activating the solar plexus chakra (personal power) while grounding the wearer in their strength and vitality.


Blue Apatite suppresses one's apatite and speeds up metabolic function. It helps one to speak their truth from a place of authenticity and confidence. It also aids in the visualization process beneficial to manifesting our truest desires, while also ensuring clarity and ease in all communication.


Green Aventurine is a sought-after stone as it is said to attract abundance and prosperity to the wearer! It is considered a lucky crystal in regards to attracting love and romance as well, as it opens the heart to receiving the love one desires to allow it to flow into their experience.💚 It is highly beneficial to wear for those trying to smooth their resistance in regards to finding love, prosperity, or material abundance as it provides a calming vibration that slows down fearful vibrations, gently uplifting the person, thereby making it easier to connect with the heart.


Pink Agate Promotes passion and unconditional love. Grounds and calms the body and mind improving one’s focus and overall mental functioning. Also known for its protective properties as well as enhancing one’s sense of security and self-confidence.


Canadian Jade is a beautiful green stone that is said to bring luck and prosperity. It is associated with the heart chakra which is where our alignment to our most wanted desires is held.


Dragon's Blood Provides strength to heal repressed emotional issues. Enhances vitality and courage. It also stimulates creativity, grounds the body and opens the heart to unconditional love and prosperity.


Red Jasper Grounds and stabilizes one’s energy Brings balance to the root chakra Promotes courage and fearlessness that allows one to dive into what they are passionate about Repels negativity, strengthens one’s boundaries and inspires sovereignty.


Aquamarine is the birthstone for March and is associated with the Piscean zodiac. It aids in calming one's behaviour to align with their authentic self. It is associated with the throat chakra, thus,  allowing one to express themselves and communicate with ease. It also assists one during the process of deep healing from traumatic experiences.


Malachite helps one to confront painful events and find acceptance and healing. Cleanses and balances the heart chakra and promotes personal transformative experiences. Highly protective and a powerful cleanser of the emotional body.

8mm Solid Healing Bracelets

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