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Self Care with Crystals

Public·17 membres

What benefits can crystals offer beyond taking a seat on your favourite meditation pillow and tapping into their energy? 😉

The truth is there are many ways to reap the benefits of crystals💎... but one of my favourites is to take a bath with them. Now this may not be the best idea for all crystals as some types can dissolve and become toxic!💀 But nevertheless, as long as you do your research effectively, you will have nothing to worry about.

To make things simpler, I've created a step by step guide with 💦water-safe crystals💎so you can start out with a little more ease.😅

The bathing ritual🌺 I have mapped out below is one I use pretty regularly as I love how rejuvenated I feel afterwards.

Unconditional Love Cleansing Bath

The first thing I do is set my intention. An example of this can be "I intend to love myself unconditionally", or writing or saying aloud "I am love." Anything goes as long as you feel it in your heart.💖

The next step is to gather what you need. Below I've provided a list of what I use in my bathing ritual.🛁🌹

- Rose buds or pedals and rose oil (for self confidence and a sense of security)

- Lavender and Lavender oil (for calming and clarity)

- Rose quarts, Clear quartz, and amethyst (smoky quartz for removing dense energy)

- Bath bombs that correspond to your intention. In this case green or pink is what you are aiming for as they are both associated with the heart chakra.

- Other crystals that pertain to your intention that will not be at risk of getting wet such as Pink Calcites, Ruby and Zoisite, Moonstone, Rhodonite, rhodochrosite, malachite, Howlite, Septarian, Prehnite, Pink Tourmaline, Shiva Lingam, etc.

- A bath pillow to support your neck and back.

- Tea light candles (or whatever you prefer).🕯️

- A glass of ice cubes with frozen raspberries and dark chocolate.🍫

- Calming music or podcast, such as heart chakra💚 hand-drums/singing bowls💚, Abraham Hicks, Divine Feminine frequencies etc. (All of these options are available for free on Youtube.)

- Typically I like to do this on Fridays as it's Venus day and all about love. However, if you need this and it's not Friday, don't feel obligated to wait until it is. You know yourself the best!

Step 1: Prepare your icy treat. Then secure your bath pillow inside the tub how you prefer, then fill your soaker tub (or whatever tub you have) with a temperature that is comfortable for you.

Step 2: Drop the herbs and oils in the water, being sure to circulate it around with your fingers. (This also helps you know what temp your water is currently at and how much scent you prefer)

Step 3: Once the tub is full, grab two clean towels to have close-by so you can dry your hands, then dry them well. (and the other for drying off after you get out of course.)

Step 4: Place the other crystals (Pink Calcites, Ruby and Zoisite, Moonstone, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Malachite, Howlite, Septarian, Prehnite, Pink Tourmaline, Shiva Lingam, etc.) around your tub where they cannot get wet!

I usually place them around my tea light candles and line the crystals that can handle water around the other crystals to create a barrier.

Step 5: Hit play on your phone or computer (or what device you prefer) and place it in reach but away from getting wet (especially if you are using your phone).

Step 6: Holding the rose quartz, clear quartz and amethyst crystals in your hands, breath in and out so you are calm and centered, then state aloud or read silently your intention to the Universe. (If you like to program your crystals beforehand, do so. I personally just feel their energy amplify without having to program them, but feel absolutely free to tap in how you prefer.)

Step 7: Place the crystal that are water-safe in the water where they will be in contact with your physical body but not digging into you of course.

Step 8: Step inside and enjoy your Unconditional Love Cleansing Bath!

Hope this was useful in gathering a better understanding of Self-Care and Crystals!

Warmest Blessings🤗


John McLean
John McLean
John McLean

I’ve actually tried this step-by-step guide and it is so relaxing and brings excellent ease and rejuvenation to your mind and body. Thank you 🙏 😌🫶🏼


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