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Crystals 101

Public·11 membres

Crazy Lace Agate!🧡

Crazy Lace Agate has a stunning and unique wavy banding pattern made up of orange, brown, pink, white and grey colours and can be found exclusively in the northern parts of Mexico.

It is 🧡 the "Stone of Laughter" 🧡 as it is said to absorb heavy emotions, dispel fear and encourage an optimistic POV.

Crazy Lace Agate vibrates at a very slow and peaceful frequency, which promotes ease in rediscovering joy and laughter in one's life experience, making it especially beneficial to those battling anxiety and depression.

It also promotes grounded stability to the wearer, making it beneficial for those facing difficult decisions as the calming properties also enhance one's clarity of mind.

It is said to bring vitality to the body (major organs), mind, and spirit, as well as remove all blocks from all chakra energy centers.

It is associated with the sacral chakra located just below the naval promoting balance to one's emotional expression, one's security in relationships with oneself and others, as well as one's creative expression.

As it promotes unity, self-acceptance, self-confidence, and emotional balance, Crazy Lace Agate is very helpful to those transitioning into a new phase completely outside of their comfort zone.

There's so much more to add about this fascinating crystal, but, alas, this is all I will mention for now😉 (Please feel free to do your own research!)💕

If you enjoyed this post or have something additional to add, drop a comment below!🤗

Stay tuned for more Crystals 101! (and more of CGGZ💎😉💎)

Warmest Blessings,


John McLean
Nov 12, 2022

Can you talk about snowflake obsidian next?


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