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Crystals 101

Public·11 membres

❄️Considering the Winter Solstice is quickly approaching, I felt that🌞Sunstone🌞 would be a very suitable crystal for this week's Crystal 101, as the winter solstice is a celebration of welcoming back the sun⛅️ after the cold dark winter months.❄️

✨Also, if you are not yet aware, the Sunstone Tower (pictured at the top of this page) is a part of the January 2023 Crystal Giveaway🎁 happening on the 28th at 7:00pm (GMT-5)! Check out the home page for more details on how you can get a chance to win it + other freebies & $80 free shipping!

☀️Sunstone☀️ has gorgeous gold luminous flecks that sparkle against its beautiful sunny orangey warm base colour.🧡 It is sourced in Southern Norway, on the beaches along the midcoast of South Australia, Sweden, and the United States.

Sunstone carries the bright and joyful energies of the sun!🌞 It promotes a light and happy mood for those with Seasonal affective disorder, offering a sense of warmth and comfort, easing one's grief during the colder months.

It also harnesses a 🦁 Leo like energy (zodiac)♌️ that encourages one to act courageously.

On the Winter Solstice❄️, Sunstone🌞 can be placed on an alter to represent the return of the sun! It carries a bright optimistic energy that one can also harness and intend to bring into the new year!

Sunstone brings out one's confidence in a BIG way, shining a light on positive characteristics one may shy away from fully expressing to others.

Sunstone is a favourite for gently uplifting one's mood, bringing warmth and peace to one's being, while shining a light on one's infinite power and worthiness and promoting a strong positive emotion of gratitude.🙏🌞✨

Sunstone is also associated with the Sacral chakra, bringing balance to and fostering healthy relationships with oneself, others, as well as one's experience of EASE and FUN in this Universe!🧡🙌

If you enjoyed this post or have something additional to add, drop a comment below!🤗 All perspectives are welcome, as long as they align with the rules of this group!

Also, if you would like to experience this crystal for yourself,☀️ click the link below👇 and it will bring you to our store's product page!... then all you need to do is....👉order something pretty🛍, get a few crystal freebies💠with your order💎and then YOUR NAME will be added🏷for a chance at winning next months beautiful✨🧡SUNSTONE TOWER🧡!!!✨


Stay tuned for more Crystals 101! (and more of CGGZ💎😉💎.)

**Suggestions for next weeks Crystal 101 are welcome**

Warmest Blessings,


Dec 17, 2022

🌨⛄️Happy winter solstice divine sisters!!!🌲


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