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Crystals 101

Public·11 membres

❄️Considering the Winter Solstice is quickly approaching, I felt that🌞Sunstone🌞 would be a very suitable crystal for this week's Crystal 101, as the winter solstice is a celebration of welcoming back the sun⛅️ after the cold dark winter months.❄️

✨Also, if you are not yet aware, the Sunstone Tower (pictured at the top of this page) is a part of the January 2023 Crystal Giveaway🎁 happening on the 28th at 7:00pm (GMT-5)! Check out the home page for more details on how you can get a chance to win it + other freebies & $80 free shipping!

☀️Sunstone☀️ has gorgeous gold luminous flecks that sparkle against its beautiful sunny orangey warm base colour.🧡 It is sourced in Southern Norway, on the beaches along the midcoast of South Australia, Sweden, and the United States.

Sunstone carries the bright and joyful energies of the sun!🌞 It promotes a light and happy mood…

Dec 17, 2022

🌨⛄️Happy winter solstice divine sisters!!!🌲

Crystal's Goddess Gemz
11 décembre 2022 · a modifié la description du groupe.

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Snowflake Obsidian! ❄️✨

Snowflake Obsidian❄️has a tranquil black mirror-like appearance with a beautiful snowflake-like pattern that is made up of quartz inclusions referred to as "cristobalite", which is also where it gets its name from.

It is sourced from various locations around the globe such as Scotland, Italy, and the United States, for example; and is one of the more commonly sourced varieties of Obsidian.🌋

Snowflake Obsidian has a calming energy that is both peaceful, very powerful, and also highly purifying.

Nov 21, 2022

this is a really good post. snowflake obsidian is one of my favourite obsidians. 🖤


Crazy Lace Agate!🧡

Crazy Lace Agate has a stunning and unique wavy banding pattern made up of orange, brown, pink, white and grey colours and can be found exclusively in the northern parts of Mexico.

It is 🧡 the "Stone of Laughter" 🧡 as it is said to absorb heavy emotions, dispel fear and encourage an optimistic POV.

Crazy Lace Agate vibrates at a very slow and peaceful frequency, which promotes ease in rediscovering joy and laughter in one's life experience, making it especially beneficial to those battling anxiety and depression.

It also promotes grounded stability to the wearer, making it beneficial for those facing difficult decisions as the calming properties also enhance one's clarity of mind.

John McLean
Nov 12, 2022

Can you talk about snowflake obsidian next?


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